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School Bus Information
What is the School Transport Scheme?
The School Transport Scheme which is operated by Bus Éireann on behalf of the Department of Education and Skills supports transport to and from school for children who reside remote from their nearest school.
Where can I get information on the School Transport Scheme?
The full terms of the primary and post primary schemes are available at:
Who is eligible?
Primary children are eligible for transport where they reside not less than 3.2 kms from and are attending their nearest national school as determined by the Department/Bus Éireann, having regard to ethos and language.
Post Primary children are eligible for transport where they reside not less than 4.8 kms from and are attending their nearest education centre as determined by the Department/Bus Éireann, having regard to ethos and language.
How do I apply?
Apply online on the School Transport webpage at www.buseireann.ie
When do I apply?
Application forms should be submitted by the last Friday in April each year.
What if my nearest school is full?
In cases where the Department is satisfied that your nearest school is full, eligibility for school transport will be determined based on the distance you reside from your next nearest school having regard to ethos and language.
To establish that the nearest school is full parents must provide:-
Evidence that an application for enrolment was made within the deadline dates specified by the school
A letter from the School Authorities confirming that the school was full
A copy of the decision reached following an appeal under section 29 of the Education Act, 1998; this Act provides for an appeal by a parent to the Secretary General of the Department where a Board of Management of a school has refused to enrol a child.
Is there a charge?
Yes, the current annual charge is €100 per primary child subject to a maximum of €220 for families with primary children only; €350 per post primary child. The overall family maximum is €650.
Are some children exempt from the charge?
Yes. Children eligible for transport who hold valid Medical Cards (GMS Scheme) do not pay a charge. The child’s Medical Card details are required when making the payment and details may be entered online at www.buseireann.ie
When do I pay?
Generally, invoices will issue in the first week of July. Payment must be made by the last Friday in July.
How do I pay?
You can pay on line at www.buseireann.ie or by sending a cheque/postal order/money order directly to your local Bus Éireann School Transport Office.
Can I spread the payment over the school year?
Payment may be made either in full by the last Friday in July or in two equal instalments in July and December.
Where can I get further information?
From your local Bus Éireann Office – contact details.
School Transport for Children with Special Educational Needs
Who is eligible for transport?
Children are eligible for school transport where they have special educational needs arising from a diagnosed disability and are attending the nearest recognised mainstream school, special class/special school or a unit, that is or can be resourced, to meet their special educational needs.
How do I apply for school transport?
Application forms are available to download here.
Such forms should be completed and signed by the parent(s), school principal and the Special Education Needs Organiser [SENO]. Completed application forms will be forwarded by the SENO to the School Transport section of the Department.
When should I apply for school transport?
The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is posted on the Department's website.
Click below for information on disciplinary procedures for misconduct on the school bus.
* Please note that Bus Éireann is responsible for the discipline and safety of pupils while travelling on school buses.