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Mr. Kelly

Maths Week

This year, as part of Maths Week, the teachers and children prepared puzzle stations for the class groupings junior and senior infants, 1st to 3rd class, and 4th to 6th class. The children prepared puzzles and then invited the classes to spend time trying to solve the puzzles with the help of concrete materials and hands-on activities.

Below is a puzzle that children can have a go at. They should draw and cut out the frogs so that they can make it a hands-on activity.

Or, an interactive version can be found at the following website address:

  • The red frogs want to get to the right side of the pond.

  • The green frogs want to get to the left of the pond.

  • There are 7 lily pads which the frogs must use to cross the pond.

  • Frogs can only jump to EMPTY lily pads.

  • Frogs can only jump over ONE other frog at a time.

  • Frogs don’t know how to jump backwards!

Good luck!

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